Kupup, a picturesque hamlet located in East Sikkim, India, is a hidden gem nestled in the lap of the Himalayas. Situated at an altitude of approximately 13,066 feet (3,983 meters) above sea level, Kupup is a destination that combines natural beauty, adventure, and historical significance.
One of the most iconic attractions in Kupup is the glacial Lake Elephtant (also spelled Elephant Lake), which gets its name from its shape resembling an elephant. The lake, surrounded by pristine landscapes and often covered in snow, is a serene spot for nature enthusiasts and photographers.
Kupup is also home to the historic Old Baba Mandir, a memorial temple dedicated to an Indian Army soldier, Baba Harbhajan Singh. This shrine holds immense significance and is visited by both tourists and soldiers, who believe in the protective spirit of Baba Harbhajan Singh.
The region offers opportunities for trekking and exploring the stunning high-altitude landscapes. Kupup’s remote location adds to its charm, providing visitors with a unique Himalayan experience that combines natural beauty and cultural significance. It’s a must-visit destination for those seeking adventure and serenity in the Eastern Himalayas.
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